Monday, May 4, 2009

In class today a group was presenting on JW and how to interact with them professioanlly in the hospital. There was a widespread facade of 'tolerance' and a feeble attempt at understaning, but since most facades are made of wax, they typically melt when a person gets hotheaded. Whispers hopped around the room about how ridiculous it was that these people refuse bloof transfusions and the like. All of this greatly fristrated me, even though I probably disagreed with the JW worldview more than most of them, and I asked, "What if they are right? What criteria do you use to determine whether something is true or not? And if you don't have criteria, on what basis are we calling their beliefs foolish?" It was something like that, I don't know. I just get so angry sometimes about how foolish we are. Everyone's into demolition, but if you ask them how to construct they point to a crumpled pile of discarded blueprints in the corner.
It made me feel like a sojourner. Funny thing is, though, I didn't say anything particularly "christian", just logical. I don't know, you just get the feeling people aren't into talking about stuff like that. But we are all like sheep. Each one has wandered off his own way, looking for gree grass and pasture, not trusting that the Shepherd knows the way. "For we wee continually straying like sheep, but now we have returned to the shepherd and gaurdian of our souls" Im so glad my soul has a gaurdian. One who oversees me, is responsible for feding me, leading me and protecting me. I belong to Him, I am his posession. All of these analogies about sheep makes me wonder, "really? why would anyone act this way for a bunch, let alone one, of dumb sheep?" I guess the same logic could be applied to humans.

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