Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Kill your TV art...


Kill your TV

I have never regretted one minute I have spent praying, reading the Word, or discussing Jesus with a friend. I almost always regret the waste of time, meaninglessness and the trivializing of life I see in watching TV or movies. But here is the idiot part: for some reason I still choose TV so often over Christ.

There have been several occasions that I have settled in my mind to get rid of our TV and dvd player, but have not yet done it. Many times, much to my wife's chagrin (hi amber, you are the only one who reads this anyway...) I get on a soap box and berate entertainment...then I flip it over and use the soap box as a TV stand.

Maybe one day my happy beans will sprout enough to actually get rid of it. Always a battle. How much time have I wasted? How strong could my worshipping muscle be if I spent that time on meaningful things?

Spending time watching TV is like having a constant flow of cash all day long and using that cash to purchase novelties, gag gifts and jelly beans (basically shoppning at Spencer's Gifts) and thinking it is the most amazing purchase at the moment. Then you get home and realize you spent that money on plastic crap which is totally worthless. But then what do we do? We take them out and show them to our most intimate friends, like these things are the highlights of our existence. Wind 'em up and sit around with your best buds talking about 'Bag O Farts' and whatever else kind of worthless crap we picked up watching TV and movies.


Friday, June 12, 2009


This I remember and despair; His anger never ceases, His wrath never fails; it is kindled every morning.


This I remember and therefore I have hope; the Lord's lovingkindness never ceases, His mercies never fail. They are new every morning.

O the riches of the wisdom and grace of God toward me!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hi, my name is Tim...

We had a group of people form alcoholics anonymous come and speak to the class toay. Very interesting. It was difficult to hear them soeak about themselves in a self depricating way, "I am a drunk"...etc. They said they are an alcoholic today and they just need to get through today and take it a day at a time. They admit their alcohol problem is bigger than themselves and they never take it for granted.
Some interesting observations:
1) They never try to work their way our of reliance and into self-sufficiency.
2) They live every day knowing their weakness and wayward hearts, which keeps them close to their higher power
3) A supportive, honest and confessional communnity is essential, not peripheral, to their success.

I really respected this mindset. I wish we had this a a community of christians. How often I try to work my way out of dependency and burrow into self-reliance. Start with the Spirit, finish with the flesh.

I was wondering what it might look like to incorporate some of these ideas into d team.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sign of the Times

The economic duress of the world has reached a devastating tipping point. No doubt, this global recession will usher in an astronomical rise of giant monsters with no one to shoot laser beams at them.

humility of Christ

I have been trying to understand the glory of Christ in His humbling himself. John Owen says it only comes with extended meditation, for which i need an extension. I have had a few thoughts that are meaningful to me. Considering the levels of humility Jesus submitted to. !) He emptied Himself and became a man; the difference between God and man is infinite. Jesus assumed our limitations. Imagine an eternal being submitting to boundaries, circadian rhythms, hunger pains, thirst, suffering and pain, bowel movements... 2) He not only became a man, but a servant of man; poor and homeless. The King came not a prince, but a pauper. 3) He laid down His life to death on a cross; an innocent man being hung as a criminal. This is truly the lowliest man that has ever lived.

Overarching all of these things is the humility of His willingness. His willingness is the most intriguing part. For a man might humble himself under the mighty hand of God to accept a circumstance He cannot control and rely on God given his human condition. But it is entirely another thing for Jesus to willingly submit himself to the limitations of man, the abuse of man, the death on a criminal's cross, when He had it completely within His power to prevent it all. This willingness seems almost foolish. It begs the question WHY?
Why will to do this?
"Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God" Heb 10:7 Because it was the will of God for Jesus to come in this form. Jesus obeyed the infinite will and wisdom of His Father. What Love He has for the Father? What desire to see Him glorified and the infinite worth of His name upheld!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only son" This is a mystery. Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we might be called the sons of God!

The humility of Christ to be a mediator for us. Willingly to the dregs. Oh, God, that I would understand more this incredible mystery.