Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I often wonder about the antithetical argument from the atheistic foundation for meaning. The traditional atheist will hold that God is not essential for having meaning in life, because we can make meaning from our experiences. In this sense, they will concede there is no 'ultimate meaning', but ultimate meaning is not necessary for meaning n this life.
The theists will contend there cannot be meaning without ultimate meaning. Sometimes i think this argument is not convincing. The theist, by nature, has an eternal perspective, the atheist, a temporal. Existential meaning is the only thing in the playbook, and is going to be sufficient because it has to be.
It seems as though the topic of meaning needs to be addressed on a different level than the stratosphere of the ultimate.
I was at work this morning and one of the nurses said he needed to find some motivation for doing his work today. My mind started musing about motivation. What must one do the be motivated for action? How long will this motivation last? Is there any evidence or hope that will fund the expenditure of motivation in life? Motivation needs a benefactor; something that will feed it; a payoff. Our motivation could be feelings or the benefit of others or the glory of God.
For the atheist, these experiences and outcomes of our efforts fade. They are fading flowers; beautiful, yet passing nonetheless. It is the transience of results, the illusive denouement of life which takes an awe to the root of motivation.
Motivation needs hope and reason to be.
Is what I am doing today perpetuating my species? I don't think many people wake up with this thought, and if they did I can't see how this could be considered honorable or even valid. Is what I am doing today going to help others and given me a sense of fulfillment? This I can see as being valid and honorable, but far from Darwinian thought processes. But these motivations fall prey to time and chance. All effectual outcomes will soon be forgotten, covered over with grass and sand. The impacted lives will end. The foundations for the sake of charity will profit only bleaching bones.
From the Christian worldview, my actions will echo into eternity. What I do today will matter forever. There is an 'equals' sign at the end of life, and what I do will add up to something.

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